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Records: 2026 to 2100 of 15960
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View Record  VA Hanover 002 Virginia migrations, Hanover County Volume 1 1723-1850 Wills, deeds, depositions, invoices, letters, and other documents of historical and genealogical interest. Volume 2 1743-1871 Wills, deeds, depositions, letters, marriages, obituaries, estates for sale, absentee land owners, and other documents of historical and genealogical interest Eugenia G. Glazebrook, Preston G. Glazebrook
View Record  VA Hanover 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Hanover County, Virginia
View Record  VA Hampshire 002 Early records Hampshire County, Virginia now West Virginia, including at the start most of Virginia aside from Augusta District Clara McCormack Sage, Laura S. Jones
View Record  VA Hampshire 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Hampshire county, Virginia, now West Virginia Netti Schreiner-Yantis, Florene Speakman Love
View Record  VA Halifax 006 Marriages of Halifax County, Virginia 1753-1800 Catherine L. Knorr
View Record  VA Halifax 005 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Halifax County, Virginia Netti Schreiner-Yantis, Florene Speakman Love
View Record  VA Halifax 004 Halifax County, Virginia, 1810 tax list
View Record  VA Halifax 003 Church records and histories, Halifax County, Virginia Shelby Publishing
View Record  VA Halifax 002 Halifax County, Virginia marriages 1801-1831 Marian Dodson Chiarito, James Hadley Prendergast
View Record  VA Halifax 001 Halifax County, Virginia marriages 1757-1799 The Researcher
View Record  VA Greensville 001 Virginia historic marriage register, Greensville County marriages 1781-1853 John Vogt, T. William Kethley
View Record  VA Greene 001 Virginia historic marriage register, Green County marriages 1838-1850 John Vogt, T. William Kethley
View Record  VA Greenbrier 002 Greenbrier County, Virginia 1810 tax list
View Record  VA Greenbrier 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Greenbrier County, Virginia
View Record  VA Grayson 006 Grayson County, Virginia, order book, 1827 Darlene Anderson
View Record  VA Grayson 005 v.4 Grayson County, Virginia, marriages, 1924-1931. (there is no register 4) register 5, part 1 Ginger Ballard
View Record  VA Grayson 005 v.3 Grayson County, Virginia, marriages, 1899-1909, register 2, part 2, and register 3, part 1 Ginger Ballard
View Record  VA Grayson 005 v.2 Grayson County, Virginia, marriage register 2, Part I, 1853-1882 Jeff Weaver
View Record  VA Grayson 005 v.1 Grayson County marriage register 1 1793-1849 Nancy Clark Baker
View Record  VA Grayson 004 Pioneer settlers of Grayson County, Virginia Benjamin Floyd Nuckolls
View Record  VA Grayson 003 Grayson County, Virginia, 1810 tax list
View Record  VA Grayson 002 Grayson County, Virginia wills and estates Shelby Publishing
View Record  VA Grayson 001 Expanded index by James Stamper along with lists recently made available to the society are offered in this supplement to 'Grayson County: A History in Words and Pictures' James Stamper
View Record  VA Goochland 006 Douglas register, being a detailed record of births, marriages and deaths together with other interesting notes, as kept by the Rev. William Douglas, from 1750-1797. An index of Goochland wills, notes on the French-Huguenot [sic] refugees who lived in Manakin-Town [transcribed] W. Mac Jones
View Record  VA Goochland 005 St. James Northam parish vestry book, Goochland County, 1744-1850 William Lindsay Hopkins
View Record  VA Goochland 004 Virginia publick claims, Goochland County [transcribed] Janice L. Abercrombe, Richard Statten
View Record  VA Goochland 003 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Goochland County, Virginia Netti Schreiner-Yantis, Florene Speakman Love
View Record  VA Goochland 002 Identifying the Wrights in Goochland County tithe Lists 1732-1784 Robert N. Grant
View Record  VA Goochland 001 Marriages of Goochland County, Virginia 1733-1815 Kathleen Booth Williams
View Record  VA Gloucester 002 v.1 Records of colonial Gloucester County, Virginia, a collection of abstracts from original documents concerning the lands and people of colonial Gloucester County, Volume I Polly Cary Mason
View Record  VA Gloucester 001 Gloucester County, Virginia Methodist records Michael Pollock
View Record  VA Giles 002 1815 Tax list of Giles County, Virginia, abstracts of 300 deeds and surveys 1806-1830, detailed map of area covered by taxcollector Netti Schreiner-Yantis
View Record  VA Giles 001 1810 Census of Giles County, Virginia Netti Schreiner-Yantis
View Record  VA Frederick 014 Oversize Hammond's Edition 1885 Atlas of Frederick County Virginia J. M. Lathrop, A.W. Dayton
View Record  VA Frederick 013 History of the lower Shenandoah Valley counties of Frederick, Berkeley, Jefferson and Clarke [Indexed] J. E. Norris
View Record  VA Frederick 012 Pioneers of old Frederick County, Virginia Cecil O'Dell
View Record  VA Frederick 011 Frederick County, Virginia marriage bonds Joan D. Hackett, Rebecca H. Good
View Record  VA Frederick 010 Hopewell friends history, 1734-1934, Frederick County, Virginia. Records of Hopewell monthly meetings and meetings reporting to Hopewell Joint Committee of Hopewell Friends
View Record  VA Frederick 009 Frederick County, Virginia, settlement and some first families of Back Creek Valley, 1730-1830 Wilmer L. Kerns
View Record  VA Frederick 008 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Frederick County, Virginia, also for Winchester town, [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schriner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Frederick 007 Historical records of old Frederick and Hampshire Counties, Virginia Wilmer L. Kerns
View Record  VA Frederick 006 Story of Winchester in Virginia, the oldest town in the Shenandoah Valley Frederic Morton
View Record  VA Frederick 005 Abstracts of wills, inventories, and administration accounts of Frederick County, Virginia 1743-1800, J. Estelle Stewart King
View Record  VA Frederick 004 Winchester, Virginia abstracts of wills 1794-1894 Dola S. Tylor
View Record  VA Frederick 003 Frederick County, Virginia, wills and administrations 1795-1816 M. N. Kangas, D. E. Payne
View Record  VA Frederick 002 Frederick County, Virginia marriages 1771-1825 Eliza Timberlake Davis
View Record  VA Frederick 001 Virginia historic marriage register, Frederick County marriages 1738-1850 John Vogt, T. William Kethley
View Record  VA Franklin 001 Marriage bonds of Franklin County, Virginia 1786-1858 Marshall Wingfield
View Record  VA Fluvanna 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Fluvanna County, Virginia [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schriner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Floyd 001 Floyd County, history of its people and places Amos D. Wood
View Record  VA Fayette 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Fayette County, Virginia now Kentucky [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schriner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Fauquier 010 Fauquier County, Virginia court records 1776-1782 John K. Gott
View Record  VA Fauquier 009 Fauquier County, Virginia marriage bonds: 1759-1854 and marriage returns: 1785-1848 John K. Gott
View Record  VA Fauquier 008 Fauquier County, Virginia guardian bonds 1759-1871 John K. Gott
View Record  VA Fauquier 007 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Fauquier County, Virginia now Kentucky [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schreiner-Yantis, Florene Speakman-Love
View Record  VA Fauquier 006 Fauquier County, Virginia, deeds, 1778-1785 John K. Gott
View Record  VA Fauquier 005 v.2 Fauquier families, 1759-1799. Volume 2 supplement including tithables, personal property lists, newly available marriages & chancery suits John P. Alcock
View Record  VA Fauquier 005 v.1 Fauquier families 1759-1799. comprehensive indexed abstracts of tax and tithable lists, marriage bonds, and minute, deed, and will books, and others John P. Alcock
View Record  VA Fauquier 004 Fauquier during the proprietorship, a chronicle of the colonization and organization of a Northern Neck county H. C. Groome
View Record  VA Fauquier 003 Fauquier County, Virginia death register 1853-1896 Patricia B. Duncan
View Record  VA Fauquier 002 Fauquier County. Virginia deed book number 10 1788-1792 TLC Genealogy
View Record  VA Fauquier 001 Abstracts of wills, administrations, and marriages of Fauquier County, Virginia with cemetery inscriptions, rent rolls, and other data J. Estelle Stewart King
View Record  VA Fairfax 009 Virginia historic marriage register, implied marriages of Fairfax County, Virginia Marty Hiatt, Craig Roberts Scott
View Record  VA Fairfax 008 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Fairfax County, Virginia Netti Schreiner-Yantis, Florene Speakman Love
View Record  VA Fairfax 007 Beginning at a white oak, patents and Northern Neck grants of Fairfax County, Virginia Beth Mitchell
View Record  VA Fairfax 006 Abstracts of wills and inventories 1742-1801, with rent rolls for 1761 and 1774 J. Estelle Stewart King
View Record  VA Fairfax 005 v.6 Fairfax County, Virginia, Volume VI, master index with corrections, additions, and updates Fairfax Genealogical Society
View Record  VA Fairfax 005 v.5 Fairfax County, Virginia gravestones Volume V Eastern section Fairfax Genealogical Society
View Record  VA Fairfax 005 v.4 Fairfax County, Virginia gravestones Volume IV Western section Fairfax Genealogical Society
View Record  VA Fairfax 005 v.3 Fairfax County, Virginia gravestones Volume III Central section Fairfax Genealogical Society
View Record  VA Fairfax 005 v.2 Fairfax County, Virginia gravestones Volume II Southern section Fairfax Genealogical Society
View Record  VA Fairfax 005 v.1 Fairfax County, Virginia gravestones Volume I Northern section Fairfax Genealogical Society
View Record  VA Fairfax 004 Index to the Fairfax County, Virginia register of marriages 1853-1933 Constance Ring, Craig R. Scott
View Record  VA Fairfax 003 Index to Fairfax County, Virginia wills and fiduciary records, 1742-1855 Constance King
View Record  VA Fairfax 002 History of Truro parish in Virginia Philip Slaughter
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Records: 2026 to 2100 of 15960