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Records: 2101 to 2175 of 15960
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View Record  VA Fairfax 001 Fairfax County historical highlights from 1607 Jean Geddes
View Record  VA Elizabeth City 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Elizabeth City County, Virginia [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schriner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Dinwiddie 003 Virginia marriages in Rev. John Cameron's register and Bath Parish register Virginia Genealogical Society
View Record  VA Dinwiddie 002 Bath Parish register, births, deaths, and marriages, 1827-1897 of Dinwiddie County and St. Andrews Parish vestry book, 1732-1797 of Brunswick County William Lindsay Hopkins
View Record  VA Dinwiddie 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Dinwiddie County, Petersburg Town, Virginia [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schriner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Cumberland 002 Cumberland County, Virginia deeds, 1749-1752 TCL Genealogy
View Record  VA Cumberland 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Cumberland County, Virginia [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schreiner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Culpeper 010 v.4 Culpeper County, Virginia, deeds. Volume four: 1765-1769 John Frederick Dorman
View Record  VA Culpeper 009 Virginia publick claims, Culpeper County Janice L. Abercrombie, Richard Slatten
View Record  VA Culpeper 008 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Culpeper County, Virginia Netti Schreiner-Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Culpeper 007 Genealogical and historical notes on Culpeper County, Virginia embracing a revised and enlarged edition of Dr. Philip Slaughter's 'History of St. Mark's Parish' Raleigh Travers Green
View Record  VA Culpeper 006 Culpeper classes, a list of the classes in Culpeper County for January 1781 for recruiting this state's quota of troops to serve in the Continental Army John Blankenbaker
View Record  VA Culpeper 005 Hebron communion lists of the German Lutheran Church in Culpeper and Madison Counties, Virginia, 1775 to 1822 Andres Mielkem, John Blankenbaker
View Record  VA Culpeper 004 Hebron baptismal register of the German Lutheran Church in Culpeper and Madison Counties, Virginia, 1750 to 1849 John Blankenbaker
View Record  VA Culpeper 003 Culpeper County, Virginia will book A, 1749-1770 John Frederick Dorman
View Record  VA Culpeper 002 Virginia historic marriage register, Culpeper County Marriages 1780-1853 John Vogt, T. William Kethley
View Record  VA Culpeper 001 Marriages of Culpeper County, Virginia 1781-1815 Catherine Lindsay Knorr
View Record  VA Clarke 002 History of Clarke County, Virginia and its connection with the war between the states Thos. D. Gold
View Record  VA Clarke 001 Virginia historic marriage register, Clarke County marriages 1836-1850 John Vogt, T. William Kethley
View Record  VA Chesterfield 003 1774-1802 Chesterfield County, Virginia, wills, 1774-1802 Benjamin B. Weisiger
View Record  VA Chesterfield 003 1749-1774 Chesterfield County, Virginia, wills, 1749-1774 Benjamin B. Weisiger
View Record  VA Chesterfield 002 Marriages of Chesterfield County, Virginia 1771-1815 Catherine L. Knorr
View Record  VA Chesterfield 001 1764-1768 Chesterfield County, Virginia, deed book #5, 1764-1768 Benjamin B. Weisiger
View Record  VA Chesterfield 001 1756-1764 Chesterfield County, Virginia, deeds, 1756-1764 Benjamin B. Weisiger
View Record  VA Chesterfield 001 1749-1756 Chesterfield County, Virginia, deeds, 1749-1756 Benjamin B. Weisiger
View Record  VA Charlotte 002 Marriages of Charlotte County, Virginia 1764-1815 Catherine L. Knorr
View Record  VA Charlotte 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Charlotte County, Virginia [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schriner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Charles City 001 Early Virginia families along the James River, their deep roots and tangled branches, Charles City County, Prince George County, Virginia Louise Pledge Heath Foley
View Record  VA Carroll 001 Carroll/Grayson marriages (Marriage Bonds of Carroll 1842-1853, and Grayson 1793-1852, Counties, Virginia) John Perry Alderman
View Record  VA Caroline 004 Caroline County, Virginia court records, will book 1793-1897, will and plat book 1742-1840, will book 19 1814-1818 Kimberly Curtis Campbell
View Record  VA Caroline 003 Caroline County, Virginia death records 1919-1994 from Caroline Progress, a weekly newspaper published in Bowling Green, Virginia Herbert Ridgeway Collins
View Record  VA Caroline 002 Bible records of Caroline County, Virginia families Herbert Ridgeway Collins
View Record  VA Caroline 001 v.3 Cemeteries of Caroline County, Virginia, Volume 3 - Private Cemeteries Herbert Ridgeway Collins
View Record  VA Caroline 001 v.2 Cemeteries of Caroline County, Virginia Volume 2 Private Cemeteries Herbert Ridgeway Collins
View Record  VA Caroline 001 v.1 Cemeteries of Caroline County, Virginia Volume 1 Public Cemeteries Herbert Ridgeway Collins
View Record  VA Campbell 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Campbell County, Virginia Netti Schreiner-Yantis, Florence Love
View Record  VA Cabell 002 1815 tax list of Cabell County, Virginia
View Record  VA Cabell 001 Cabell County, Virginia, 1810 tax list
View Record  VA Buckingham 004 Buckingham County, Virginia, church and marriage records, 1764-1822 [abstracted] Mary Bondurant Warren
View Record  VA Buckingham 003 Genealogical records of Buckingham County, Virginia Edythe Rucker Whitley
View Record  VA Buckingham 002 Papers of Colonel Richard H. Gilliam of Buckingham County, Virginia Carl C. Rosen
View Record  VA Buckingham 001 Buckingham County, Virginia surveyor's plat book 1762-1858 2nd Edition Eric G. Grundset
View Record  VA Brunswick 006 Brunswick County, Virginia wills 1739-1750 TCL Genealogy
View Record  VA Brunswick 005 Brunswick County, Virginia deeds 1740-1744
View Record  VA Brunswick 004 Marriage bonds and ministers' returns of Brunswick County, Virginia 1750-1810 Catherine Lindsay Knorr
View Record  VA Brunswick 003 Index 1737-1749 Brunswick County, Virginia court orders 1737-1749, an every name index TCL Genealogy
View Record  VA Brunswick 003 1732-1737 Brunswick County, Virginia court orders 1732-1737 TCL Genealogy
View Record  VA Brunswick 002 Marriage records of Brunswick County, Virginia 1730-1852 Augusta B. Fothergill
View Record  VA Brunswick 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Brunswick County, Virginia [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schriner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Bourbon 001 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Bourbon County, Virginia [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schriner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Botetourt 005 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Botetourt County, Virginia [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schriner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Botetourt 004 Botetourt County, Virginia tithables 1770-1771 Pollyanna Creekmore
View Record  VA Botetourt 003 Early marriages, wills, and some Revolutionary War records Botetourt County, Virginia Anne Lowry Warrell
View Record  VA Botetourt 002 Botetourt County, Virginia wills 1781-1820 Shelby Publishing
View Record  VA Botetourt 001 1780-1786 Botetourt County, Virginia, its men 1780-1786 Charles T. Burton
View Record  VA Botetourt 001 1770-1777 Botetourt County Virginia, its men 1770-1777 Charles T. Burton
View Record  VA Bedford 005 Bedford County, Virginia brief wills 1763-1803
View Record  VA Bedford 004 Our kin, the genealogies of some of the early families who made history in the founding and development of Bedford county, Virginia Mary Denham Ackerly, Lulu Eastman Jeter Parker
View Record  VA Bedford 003 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Bedford County, Virginia [transcribed and indexed] Netti Schriner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Bedford 002 Orphans court docket, Bedford County court house, Part I: 1772-1773. Part II: 1782-1795 Helen S. Hill
View Record  VA Bedford 001 Marriage bonds of Bedford County, Virginia 1755-1800 Earle S. Dennis, Jane E. Smith
View Record  VA Bath 001 Bath County, Virginia marriage bonds and ministers' returns 1791-1853 Constance Corley Metheny, Eliza Warwick Wise
View Record  VA Augusta 008 Personal property tax lists for the year 1787 for Augusta County, Virginia Netti Schriner Yantis, Florene Love
View Record  VA Augusta 007 Tinkling Spring, headwater of freedom, a study of the church and her people, 1732-1952 Howard McKnight Wilson
View Record  VA Augusta 006 Second marriage record of Augusta County, Virginia 1813-1850 DAR
View Record  VA Augusta 005 History of Augusta County, Virginia J. Lewis Peyton
View Record  VA Augusta 004 Annals of Augusta County, Virginia 1726-1871 Jos. A. Waddell
View Record  VA Augusta 003 Augusta Parish, Virginia 1738-1780 Beverly Ruffin
View Record  VA Augusta 002 First marriage record of Augusta County, Virginia 1785-1813 Colonel Thomas Hughart Chapter DAR
View Record  VA Augusta 001 Augusta County marriages, 1748-1850 John Vogt, T. William Kethley
View Record  VA Arlington 003 1853-1895 Alexandria County (Arlington) Virginia marriage records 1853-1895 Wesley E. Pippenger
View Record  VA Arlington 002 1853-1896 Alexandria (Arlington) County, Virginia death records 1853-1896 Wesley E. Pippenger
View Record  VA Arlington 001 Northern Virginia heritage, a pictorial compilation of the historic sites and homes in the counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, Fauquier, Prince William and Stafford, and the cities of Alexandria and Fredericksburg Eleanor Lee Templeman, Nan Netherton
View Record  VA Amherst 005 Deeds of Amherst County, Virginia, 1761-1807 and Albemarle County, Virginia 1748-1763 Bailey Fulton Davis
View Record  VA Amherst 004 Marriage bonds and other marriage records of Amherst County, Virginia, 1763-1800 William Montgomery Sweeny
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Records: 2101 to 2175 of 15960