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Records: 2251 to 2325 of 15958
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Actions Call Number Title Author
View Record  VA 097 Social life in Virginia in the seventeenth century Philip Alexander Bruce
View Record  VA 096 How justice grew, Virginia counties, an abstract of their formation (Jamestown booklet no. 2) Martha W. Hiden
View Record  VA 095 Description of the country, Virginia's cartographers and their maps, 1607-1881 E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra
View Record  VA 094 Place-names of the Northern Neck of Virginia from John Smith's 1606 map to the present [1983] Mary R. Miller
View Record  VA 093 Virginia will records, from the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler's Quarterly [indexed]
View Record  VA 092 v.2 Southside Virginia families. Volume 2 John Bennett Boddie
View Record  VA 092 v.1 Southside Virginia families. Volume 1 John Bennett Boddie
View Record  VA 091 Parish lines, Diocese of Virginia Charles Francis Cocke
View Record  VA 090 Mother Earth, land grants in Virginia, 1607-1699 W. Stitt Robinson
View Record  VA 089 Virginia gleanings in England, abstracts of 17th and 18th century English wills and administrations relating to Virginia and Virginians, a consolidation of articles from the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography Lothrop Withington
View Record  VA 088 v.2 Virginia land records, from the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler's Quarterly. Volume II: included index
View Record  VA 088 v.1 Virginia land records, from the Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, the William and Mary College Quarterly, and Tyler's Quarterly. Volume I [index in v.2]
View Record  VA 087 Over the mountain men, their early court records in southwest Virginia Anne Lowry Worrell
View Record  VA 086 German New River settlement, Virginia Ulysses S. A. Heavener
View Record  VA 085 Old Virginia houses, the Mobjack Bay country and along the James Emmie Ferguson Farrar
View Record  VA 084 Quit rents of Virginia 1704 Annie Laurie Wright Smith
View Record  VA 083 Homes and gardens in old Virginia Francis Archer Christian, Susanne Williams Massie
View Record  VA 081 Virginia's northern neck, a pictorial history John C. Wilson
View Record  VA 080 v.2 Virginia historical index. Volume II: L-Z
View Record  VA 080 v.1 Virginia historical index. Volume I: A-K
View Record  VA 079 Behold Virginia: The fifth crown being the trials, adventures and disasters of the first families of Virginia, the rise of the grandees, and the eventual triumph of the common and uncommon sort in the Revolution George F. Willison
View Record  VA 078 Colonial Virginia, its people and customs [indexed] Mary Newton Stanard
View Record  VA 077 Guide to genealogical notes and charts in the Archives Branch, Virginia State Library and Archives Lyndon H. Hart
View Record  VA 076 Before the Mayflower J. H. R. Yardley
View Record  VA 075 Apprentices of Virginia, 1623-1800 Harold B. Gill
View Record  VA 074 v.5 Abstracts of Virginia's Northern Neck warrants and surveys, 1653-1781. Volume V Peggy Shomo Joyner
View Record  VA 074 v.4 Abstracts of Virginia's Northern Neck warrants and surveys, Hampshire, Berkeley, Loudoun, Fairfax, King George, Westmoreland, Richmond, Northumberland and Lancaster counties, 1697-1784, volume IV Peggy Shomo Joyner
View Record  VA 074 v.1 Abstracts of Virginia's Northern Neck warrants and surveys Orange and Augusta counties with tithables, delinquents, petitioners, 1730-1754. Volume I Peggy Shomo Joyner
View Record  VA 073 Personal names in Hening's statutes at large of Virginia and Sheherd's continuation Joseph J. Casey
View Record  VA 072 Guide to seventeenth-century Virginia court handwriting Kent P. Bailey, Ransom B. True
View Record  VA 071 v.3 R-Z Adventurers of purse and person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5. Volume 3: R-Z
View Record  VA 071 v.2 G-P Adventurers of purse and person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5. Volume 2: G-P
View Record  VA 071 v.1 A-F Adventurers of purse and person, Virginia, 1607-1624/5. Volume 1: A-F
View Record  VA 070 v.9 Virginia county records William Armstrong Crozier
View Record  VA 070 v.8 Virginia county records. A key to Southern Pedigrees being a comprehensive guide to the colonial ancestry of families in the States of Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia and Alabama William Armstrong Crozier
View Record  VA 070 v.7 Virginia county records, early Virginia marriages William Armstrong Crozier
View Record  VA 070 v.6 Virginia county records, early Virginia marriages William Armstrong Crozier
View Record  VA 070 v.4 Virginia county records. Volume VI, Early Virginia marriages William Armstrong Crozier
View Record  VA 070 v.10 Virginia county records William Armstrong Crozier
View Record  VA 069 Data on some Virginia families Dakota Best Brown
View Record  VA 068 Index to printed Virginia genealogies including key and bibliography Robert Armistead Stewart
View Record  VA 067 V.3 Virginia colonial abstracts Beverly Fleet
View Record  VA 067 v.2 Virginia colonial abstracts Beverly Fleet
View Record  VA 067 v.1 Virginia colonial abstracts Beverly Fleet
View Record  VA 066 1800-1825 1826-1850 Some Virginia marriages 1800-1825 Volume 1-12, 1826-1850 Volume 1-21 Cecil D. McDonald
View Record  VA 066 1700-1799 Some Virginia marriages 1700-1799 Volume 1-25 Cecil D. McDonald
View Record  VA 065 v.4 The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers Edward Pleasants
View Record  VA 065 v.3 The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers Edward Pleasants
View Record  VA 065 v.2 The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers Edward Pleasants
View Record  VA 065 v.1 The Edward Pleasants Valentine Papers Edward Pleasants
View Record  VA 064 The Colonial clergy of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina Reverend Frederick Lewis Weis
View Record  VA 063 v.3 Cavaliers and pioneers, abstracts of Virginia land patents and grants. Volume three: 1695-1732 Nell Marion Nugent
View Record  VA 063 v.2 Cavaliers and pioneers, abstracts of Virginia land patents and grants 1666-1695 Nell Marion Nugent
View Record  VA 063 v.1 Cavaliers and pioneers, abstracts of Virginia land patents and grants 1623-1666 Nell Marion Nugent
View Record  VA 062 Virginia land grants, a study of conveyancing in relation to colonial politics Fairfax Harrison
View Record  VA 061 Virginia ghosts Marguerite du Pont Lee
View Record  VA 060 History of the Valley of Virginia Samuel Kerchival
View Record  VA 059 Virginia claims to land in Western Pennsylvania, published with an account of the donation lands of Pennsylvania William Henry Egle
View Record  VA 058 Finding your people in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, a genealogical guide Rebecca H. Good, Rebecca A. Ebert
View Record  VA 057 A finding list of the official county court records of marriages in Virginia before 1853 Cecil D. McDonald
View Record  VA 056 v.2 Virginians and West Virginians, 1607-1870 Volume 2 Patrick G. Wardell
View Record  VA 056 v.1 Virginians and West Virginians, 1607-1870 Volume 1 Patrick G. Wardell
View Record  VA 055 Virginia frontier, 1754-1763 Louis K. Koontz
View Record  VA 054 Quaker records of South River monthly meeting Virginia 1756-1800 F. Edward Wright
View Record  VA 053 Early Quaker records in Virginia Miles White, Jr.
View Record  VA 052 Death notices from Richmond, Virginia newspapers 1841-1853 Wesley Pippenger
View Record  VA 051 Kegley's Virginia Frontier, the beginning of the southwest - the Roanoke of colonial days 1740-1783 F. B. Kegley
View Record  VA 050 Bound away Virginia and the westward movement David Hackett Fischer, James C. Kelly
View Record  VA 049 A guide to church records in the archives branch Virginia State Library and Archive Virginia State Library and Archive
View Record  VA 048 v.4 Timesaving aid to Virginia - West Virginia ancestors, a genealogical index of surnames from published sources Volume IV P. G. Wardell
View Record  VA 048 v.2 Timesaving aid to Virginia - West Virginia ancestors, a genealogical index of surnames from published sources Volume II P. G. Wardell
View Record  VA 048 v.1 Timesaving aid to Virginia - West Virginia ancestors, a genealogical index of surnames from published sources P. G. Wardell
View Record  VA 047 Early Virginia immigrants, 1623-1666 George Cabell Greer
View Record  VA 046 Some emigrants to Virginia 2nd Edition W. G. Standard
View Record  VA 045 English duplicates of lost Virginia records Louis desCognets, Jr.
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Records: 2251 to 2325 of 15958