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Records: 2401 to 2475 of 15958
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Actions Call Number Title Author
View Record  VA 002 v.3 Records of the Virginia Company 1607-1622 Volume III Library of Congress
View Record  VA 002 v.2 Records of the Virginia Company 1622-1624 Volume II Library of Congress
View Record  VA 002 v.1 Records of the Virginia Company 1619-1622 Volume I Library of Congress
View Record  VA 001 A gazetteer of Virginia and West Virginia, two volumes in one Henry Gannett
View Record  VA 000 Research 02 Diggin' for roots in Old Virginia Bill Dickinson
View Record  VA 000 Research 01 Virginia genealogical research George Schweitzer
View Record  VA 000 Military 19 Virginia revolutionary war state pensions Virginia Genealogical Society
View Record  VA 000 Military 18 Virginia Militia in the Revolutionary War J.T. McAllister
View Record  VA 000 Military 17 Records of the Virginia forces 1861 National Archives
View Record  VA 000 Military 16 Index to Saffell's list of Virginia soldiers in the Revolution J.T. McAllister
View Record  VA 000 Military 15 Virginia militia in the Revolution from the Virginia historical magazine, with name index J.T. McAllister
View Record  VA 000 Military 14 War of 1812: Virginia bounty land & pension applicants, a quick reference guide to ancestors having served, lived, died, or married in Virginia or West Virginia Patrick G. Wardell
View Record  VA 000 Military 13 Guide to Virginia militia units in the War of 1812 Stuart Lee Butler
View Record  VA 000 Military 12 Virginia soldier in the US Army 1800-1815 Stuart Lee Butler
View Record  VA 000 Military 11 History of Virginia's navy of the Revolution Robert Armistead Stewart
View Record  VA 000 Military 10 Revolutionary War records Virginia, Virginia Army and Navy forces with bounty land warrants for Virginia military scrip from federal and state archives Gaius Marcus Brumbaugh
View Record  VA 000 Military 09 First Virginia regiment of foot 1775 - 1783 M. Lee Minnis
View Record  VA 000 Military 08 Index to the Virginia Revolutionary ""Publick"" claims county booklets Janice L. Abercrombie, Richard Slatten
View Record  VA 000 Military 07 Historical register of Virginians in the Revolution John H Gwathmey
View Record  VA 000 Military 06 Soldiers and sailors of the Eastern Shore of Virginia In the Revolutionary War Stratton Nottingham
View Record  VA 000 Military 05 Virginia's colonial soldiers Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck
View Record  VA 000 Military 04 List of the colonial soldiers of Virginia, special report of the department of archives and history for 1913 H. J. Eckenrode
View Record  VA 000 Military 03 Virginia county records, volume II. Virginia colonial militia, 1651-1776 William Armstrong Crozier
View Record  VA 000 Military 02 Virginia military records
View Record  VA 000 Military 01 Settlement and Indian Wars of the Western parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania 1763-1783
View Record  UTTERBACK 01 Up from the Hardpan - Rufus M. Utterback Elizabeth M. Utterback
View Record  UT Utah 001 Provo pioneer Mormon city WPA for State of Utah
View Record  UT Tooele 001 History of Tooele County Ouida Blanthorn
View Record  UT Sanpete 001 MAPS Family maps of Sanpete County, Utah, with homesteads, roads, waterways, towns, cemeteries, railroads, and more
View Record  UT Duchesne 001 Early history of Duchesne County Mildred Mills Dillman
View Record  UT Cache 001 History of Cache County: towns, families, commerce, and organizations Kenneth W. Godfrey
View Record  UT 012 Handcarts to Zion, the story of a unique Western migration 1856-1860 with contemporary journals, accounts, reports and rosters of members of the ten handcart companies LeRoy R. and Ann W. Hafen
View Record  UT 011 Pioneers and prominent men of Utah comprising photographs, genealogies, biographies Frank Esshom
View Record  UT 010 v.9 Our pioneer heritage v. 9, Daughters of Utah Pioneers Kate B. Carter
View Record  UT 010 v.13 Our pioneer heritage v. 13, Daughters of Utah Pioneers Kate B. Carter
View Record  UT 009 History of Bear Lake pioneers Edith Parker Haddock, Dorothy Hardy Matthews
View Record  UT 008 Utah expedition, 1857-1858, a documentary account of the United States military movement under Colonel Albert Sidney Johnston, and the resistance by Brigham Young and the mormon Nauvoo legion LeRoy R. and Ann W. Hafen
View Record  UT 007 Pictorial biographies of Utah and Wyoming Charles J. Christianson
View Record  UT 006 An enduring legacy, daughters of Utah pioneers Daughters of Utah Pioneers,, Lesson Committee
View Record  UT 005 1851 Census of Utah William Bowen
View Record  UT 004 Worth their salt, too, more notable but often unnoted women of Utah Colleen Whitley
View Record  UT 003 Worth their salt, notable but often unnoted women of Utah Colleen Whitley
View Record  UT 002 Quilts and women of the Mormon migrations, treasures of transition Mary Bywater Cross
View Record  UT 001 Battle for the ballot, essays on woman suffrage in Utah Carol Cornwall Madsen
View Record  UT 000 Research 03 Handy index to the holdings of the Genealogical Society of Utah Volume 1 eastern states [Pub 1980] Mary J. Brown
View Record  UT 000 Research 02 Handy index to the holdings of the Genealogical Society of Utah, counties of the United States [Pub 1971] Mary J. Brown
View Record  UT 000 Research 01 Genealogical records of Utah Laureen R Jaussi, Gloria D Chaston
View Record  UT 000 Military 03 History of the Utah volunteers in the Spanish-American War and in the Philippine Islands W.F. Ford
View Record  UT 000 Military 02 State register and year book of the Utah Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for the year, 1916
View Record  UT 000 Military 01 Roster of membership in the Utah Society Sons of the American Revolution, 1895-1956 with a brief history of the original colonies Wm. F. Bulkley, T. Earl Pardoe
View Record  USSATIS 01 Ussatis family 1833-1991 Randy Peterson
View Record  US History WOMEN CHILDREN 004 Bearkiller- The life of a boy on the American Frontier 1878-1900 Warrner M Karshner
View Record  US History WOMEN CHILDREN 003 Kids at Work- And the crusade against child labor Lewis Hine
View Record  US History WOMEN CHILDREN 002 Pioneer Children on the Journey West Emmy E Werner
View Record  US History WOMEN CHILDREN 001 Nineteenth Century experience- Children of the Western Plains Marilyn Irvin Holt
View Record  US History WOMEN 029 Routledge historical atlas of women in America Sandra Opdycke
View Record  US History WOMEN 028 Famous American Women- a biographical dictionary from Colonial times to the present Robert Mchenry
View Record  US History WOMEN 027 Bad Girls: the most powerful, shocking, amazing, thrilling and dangerous women of all time Jan Stradling
View Record  US History WOMEN 026 Women and the laws of property in early America Marylynn Salmon
View Record  US History WOMEN 025 Frontier Women - Authentic history of the courage and trials of the pioneer heroines of our American Frontier William Fowler
View Record  US History WOMEN 024 Adventures of the Woman Homesteader- Life and letters of Elinore Pruitt Stewart Susanne K George
View Record  US History WOMEN 023 Letter of a Woman Homesteader Elinore Pruitt Stewart
View Record  US History WOMEN 022 Far from Home- Families of the Westward Journey Lilliam Schlissel, Bryd Gibbens, Elizabeth Hamsten
View Record  US History WOMEN 021 Farm to Factory- Women's Letters 1830-1860 Thomas Dublin
View Record  US History WOMEN 020 A Scattered People- An American Family moves west Gerald McFarland
View Record  US History WOMEN 019 Love Untamed- romances of the west JoAnn Chartier, Chris Evans
View Record  US History WOMEN 018 Souvenir of Western Women Mary Osborne
View Record  US History WOMEN 017 v.9 Covered Wagon Women Diaries and letters from the western trails 1864-1868 Kenneth L Holmes
View Record  US History WOMEN 017 v.8 Covered Wagon Women Diary and letters from the western trail v.8 1862-1865 Kenneth L Holmes
View Record  US History WOMEN 017 v.7 Covered Wagon Women Dairy and letters from the western trails v.7 1854-1860 Kenneth L Holmes
View Record  US History WOMEN 017 v.6 Covered Wagon Women Diary and letters from the western trails v.61853-1854 Kenneth L Holmes
View Record  US History WOMEN 017 v.5 Covered Wagon Women Diary and letters from the western trails v.5 1852 Kenneth L Holmes
View Record  US History WOMEN 017 v.4 Covered Wagon Women- Diary and letters from the Western Trails v.4 1852 Kenneth L Holmes
View Record  US History WOMEN 017 v.3 Covered Wagon Women- Diary and letters from the Western Trails v.3- 1851 Kenneth L Holmes
View Record  US History WOMEN 017 v.2 Covered Wagon Women-Diary and Letters from the Western Trails 1850 v.2 Kenneth L Holmes
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Records: 2401 to 2475 of 15958