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Records: 2476 to 2550 of 15958
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View Record  US History WOMEN 017 v.10 Covered Wagon Women Diaries and letters from the western trails 1875-1883 Kenneth L Holmes
View Record  US History WOMEN 017 v.1 Covered Wagon Women-Diary and Letters from the Western Trails 1840-1849 Kenneth L Holmes
View Record  US History WOMEN 016 Pioneer women, voices from the Kansas frontier Joanna. L. Stratton
View Record  US History WOMEN 015 Gold Rush Women Claire Rudolf Murphy, Jane G Haigh
View Record  US History WOMEN 014 Harvey Girls- Women who opened the West Lesley Poling Kempes
View Record  US History WOMEN 013 Conversations with Pioneer Women- Oral histories of the the Pacific Northwest. Fred Lockley
View Record  US History WOMEN 012 Women of the West Cathy Luchetti
View Record  US History WOMEN 011 Schoolmarms Helen Guyton Rees
View Record  US History WOMEN 010 School women of the Prairies and Plains Mary Hurlbut Cordier
View Record  US History WOMEN 009 Bold Spirit- Helga Estby's forgotten walk across Victorian America Linda Lawrence Hunt
View Record  US History WOMEN 008 Outlasting the Trail Mary Barnmeyer O'Brian
View Record  US History WOMEN 007 One Woman's West- recollections of the Oregon trail and settling the northwest country Lois Barton
View Record  US History WOMEN 006 Women's diaries of the Westward Journey Lillian Schlissel
View Record  US History WOMEN 005 Women's voices from the Orgon Train Susan G Butruille
View Record  US History WOMEN 004 Trail of Thread- Historical Letters 1854-1855 A Woman's westward journey Linda K Hubalek
View Record  US History WOMEN 003 Women's West Susan Armitage, Elizabeth Jameson
View Record  US History WOMEN 002 So Much to be Done- Women Settlers on the mining and ranching frontier Moynihan, Armitage & Dichamp
View Record  US History WOMEN 001 Never Done- history of American housework Susan Strasser
View Record  US History WEST 040 Trails West National Georgraphic Society
View Record  US History WEST 039 Historic inscriptions on Western emigrant trails Randy Brown
View Record  US History WEST 038 Oregon Trail Diary of Amelia Stewart Knight Harold R. Carpenter
View Record  US History WEST 037 v. 1 Our proud past, a compiled history of the families that settled at the end of the Oregon Trail. Volume 1 Gail McCormick
View Record  US History WEST 036 California and Oregon trail being sketches of prairie and rocky mountain life Francis Parkman
View Record  US History WEST 035 Story of the wild west and camp-fire chats by Buffalo Bill, (Hon. W.F. Cody) a full and complete history of the renowned pioneer quartet, Boone, Crockett, Carson and Buffalo Bill, replete with graphic descriptions of wild life and thrilling adventures by famous heroes of the frontier. A record of exciting events on the Western borders pushed Westward to the sea: massacres, desperate battles, extraordinary bravery, marvelous fortitude, astounding heroism, grand hunts, savage encounters, adventures by flood and field, rollicking anecdotes, tales of sorrow, droll stories, curious escapades, and a melange of incidents that make up the melodrama of civilization in its march over mountains and prairies to the Pacific. Including a description of Buffalo Bull's conquests in England with his wild west exhibition, where royalty from all the from all the European nations paid him a generous homage and made his wonderful show the greatest success of modern times. [Pub: 1888] W.F. Cody
View Record  US History WEST 034 Narrative of a journey down the Ohio and Mississippi in 1789 and 1790 Samuel S. Forman
View Record  US History WEST 033 Ghost Towns of the West Lambert Florin
View Record  US History WEST 032 Oregon Trail Stories- True accounts of Life in a covered wagon The Glove Pequot Press
View Record  US History WEST 031 The Oregon Trail- Yesterday and Today William E Hill
View Record  US History WEST 030 Earliest Travelers on the Oregon Trail Thomas Coit Elliot
View Record  US History WEST 029 Old Northwest- Wilderness for Sale-the story of the first western land rush by Walter Hanighurst
View Record  US History WEST 028 Mining Frontiers of the Far West 1848-1880 Rodman Wilson Paul
View Record  US History WEST 027 Sod House Frontier 1854-1890 Everett Dick
View Record  US History WEST 026 Company town in the American West James B Allen
View Record  US History WEST 025 Saga of the Pony Express Joseph J DiCerto
View Record  US History WEST 024 Orphans Preferred- The twisted truth and lasting legend of the Pony Express Christopher Corbett
View Record  US History WEST 023 Newspapering in the Old West- A pictorial history of journalism and printing on the frontier Robert F Karolevitz
View Record  US History WEST 022 Following the Frontier- Pioneer Photographer of the Old West Freeman Tilden
View Record  US History WEST 021 Story of the Great American West Readers Digest
View Record  US History WEST 020 Historical Atlas of the Outlaw West Richard Patterson
View Record  US History WEST 019 Entrepreneurs of the Old West David Dary
View Record  US History WEST 018 An Illinois Gold Hunter in the Black Hills- 1876 Jerry Bryan
View Record  US History WEST 017 Last stagecoach Robbery Brenton Yorgason, Richard Myers
View Record  US History WEST 016 War Drums and Wagon Wheels- Famous freighting firm of Russell, Majors and Waddell 1822- 1858 Raymond W and Mary Lund Settle
View Record  US History WEST 015 Bridger Country- narrative from newspaper clipping from Pony express riders and old timers in 1894 Wallace V Shurtleff
View Record  US History WEST 014 Prospector Cowhand and sodbuster- Historic places associated with the mining ranching and farming frontiers in trans Mississippi Valley National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings
View Record  US History WEST 013 Western Places a chronicle of western settlement Western Depot
View Record  US History WEST 012 Graves and sites on the Oregon and California trails Randy Brown, Reg Duffin
View Record  US History WEST 011 My Folks came in a covered wagon Virginia Haggart, Dorothy Harvey
View Record  US History WEST 010 My Folks claimed the Plains- A treasury of Homestead stories Virginia Haggart, Dorothy Harry
View Record  US History WEST 009 Best Selling Handbook for America's Pioneers - The Prairie Traveler Randolph B Marcy
View Record  US History WEST 008 We'll all go home in the spring Robert a Bennett
View Record  US History WEST 007 Comprehensive index to Oregon trail diaries Bert Webber
View Record  US History WEST 006 History of the Oregon Trail and the Santa Fe Train and other trails JR Gregg
View Record  US History WEST 005 HO! For the gold Fields!- Northern Overland Wagon Trains of the 1860's
View Record  US History WEST 004 Legacy of conquest, the unbroken past of the American west Patricia Nelson Limerick
View Record  US History WEST 003 California Trail George R Stewart
View Record  US History WEST 002 Here rolled the covered Wagons Albert and Jane Salisbury
View Record  US History WEST 001 Conversation with Pioneer Men Fred Lockley
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION CANALS 007 v.6 Best from American Canals Vol VI American Canal Society
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION CANALS 007 v.5 Best from American Canals Vol V American Canal Society
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION CANALS 007 v.4 Best from American Canal Vol IV American Canal Society
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION CANALS 007 v.2 Best from American Canal Vol II American Canal Society
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION CANALS 006 Towpaths to tugboats - a American Canal Engineering American Canal Society
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION CANALS 005 Amazing Pennsylvania Canals William H Shank
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION CANALS 004 Canals of New York State American Canal Society
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION CANALS 003 Chesapeake and Ohio canal National Park Handbook
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION CANALS 002 When Horses pulled Boats Alvin F Harlow
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION CANALS 001 American Migration Routes 1750-1800 William Dollarhide
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 013 American Migration Guide 1985 John W. Heisey
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 012 CD Historic Map Library North American Railroads 1870-1917 The Gold Bug
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 011 Railroad maps of the United States Andrew m Modelski
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 010 Ships and Narrow Gauge Rails- The story of the Pacific Coast Company Gerald M Best
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 009 Migration by Railroads Donald D Hansen
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 008 Transportation Frontier- Trans- Mississippi West 1865-1890 Oscar Osborn Winter
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 007 A great and Shining Road The epic story of the transcontinental Railroad John Hoyt Williams
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Records: 2476 to 2550 of 15958