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Records: 2551 to 2625 of 15958
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View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 006 Colonial Wagon Roads to 1750 William Dollarhide
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 005 Map guide to American Migration Routes 1735-1815 William Dollarhide
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 004 Migration into the Great Plains Donald D Hansen
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 003 Red River Trails- Oxcart routes between St. Paul and the Selkirt Settlement 1820-1870 Rhonda Gilman, Stultz
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 002 Our New West- Records of Travel- Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean Samuel Bowels
View Record  US History TRANSPORTATION 001 The Old Pike A history of the National Road Thomas B Seabright
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 019 v.12 Munsey's magazine Volume XII October, 1894 to March, 1895 Frank A. Munsey & Company
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 019 v.11 Munsey's magazine Volume XI April to September, 1894 Frank A. Munsey & Company
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 018 People's home library, a library of three practical books: the people's home medical book by T.J. Ritter, the people's home recipe book by Mrs. Alice G. Kirk, the people's home stock book by W.C. Fair V.S. [Pub 1919] R.C.Barnum Co.
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 017 Discovering America's past, customs, legends, history and lore of our great nation Reader's Digest
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 016 Bringing your Family History to Life through Social History Katherine Scott Sturdevant
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 015 Way of duty, a woman and her family in Revolutionary American Joy Day Buel, Richard Buel
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 012 In small things forgotten, the archaeology of early American life James Deetz
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 011 Amish houses and barns Stephen Scott
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 010 America in legend, folklore from the colonial period to the present Richard M. Dorson
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 009 History's WORST inventions and the people who made them Eric Chaline
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 008 v.3 Foxfire 3, animal care banjos, dulcimers, hide tanning, butter churns ginseng etc. Eliot Wigginton
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 008 v.2 Foxfire 2, ghost stories, spring wild plant foods spinning and weaving, midwifing, burial customs etc. Eliot Wigginton
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 007 Housekeepers Almanac for the year 1866 George K Wheat
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 006 Writers guide to everyday life in the 1800's: for writers of historical fiction, westerns, romance etc. Marc McCutcheon
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 005 What was it like when your grandparents were your age Ann Cook, Marilyn Gittell, Herb Mack
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 004 The Way our people lived W.E. Woodward
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 004 Generations, your family in modern American history, third edition J.F.Watts, Allen E. Davis
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 003 History of Stepfamilies in Early America Lisa Wilson
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 002 Essential handbook of Victorian etiquette Thomas E Hill
View Record  US History SOCIAL LIFE 001 Everyday life through the ages Readers Digest
View Record  US History PRESIDENT 006 Ancestors of American Presidents 2009 EDITION (Third printing with corrections 2012) Gary Boyd Roberts
View Record  US History PRESIDENT 005 Lives of the Presidents Julian DeVries
View Record  US History PRESIDENT 004 First Ladies Betty Boyd Caroli
View Record  US History PRESIDENT 003 John Adams 1735-1826 Howard F Bremer
View Record  US History PRESIDENT 002 Burkes Presidential Families of the USA Hugh Montgomery Massingbred
View Record  US History PRESIDENT 001 The Man behind the quill- Jacob Shallus Calligrapher of the US Constitution Arthur Plotnik
View Record  US History ORPHAN TRAIN 006 v.1 Orphan Train Riders-their own stories Vol 1 Mary Ellen Johnson
View Record  US History ORPHAN TRAIN 005 Orphan Trains to Missouri Michael D Patrick, Evelyn Goodrich Trickel
View Record  US History ORPHAN TRAIN 004 Orphan Train Indexes HQRL
View Record  US History ORPHAN TRAIN 003 Orphan Trains- placing out in America Marilyn Irvin Holt
View Record  US History ORPHAN TRAIN 002 Maggie Brown Orphan Train Rider- story of her family Patricia Gripon Waldron
View Record  US History ORPHAN TRAIN 001 Children of Orphan Trains from NY to IL and beyond Janet M Coble
View Record  US History 021 United States a history, the most complete and most popular history of the United States of America from the Aboriginal times to the present day [Published 1876] John Clark Ridpath
View Record  US History 020 Dictionary of United States History 1492-1898, four centuries of history, written concisely and arranged alphabetically in dictionary form, illustrated with nearly 300 portraits J. Franklin Jameson
View Record  US History 019 American Life in the 1840's Carl Bode
View Record  US History 018 Across the Wide Missouri Bernard DeVoto
View Record  US History 017 Journal of an Expedition to the Mauvaises Terres and upper Missouri in 1850 Thaddeus A Culberton
View Record  US History 016 James Patton and Appalachian Colonists Patricia Givens Johnson
View Record  US History 015 1787- The Grand Convention- Creation of the US Clinton Rossiter
View Record  US History 014 Northwest Ordinance 1787 Robert M Taylor
View Record  US History 013 Year of the Century 1876 Dee Brown
View Record  US History 012 Massacre at Mackinac 1763- Alexander Henrys travels and adventures in Canada and the Indian Territories between 1760-1764 David A Armour
View Record  US History 011 Travels in the interior of America 1809-1811 Reuben Gold Thwaites
View Record  US History 010 Hunting Pioneers- Ultimate Backwoodsmen on the early American Frontier Robert John Holden
View Record  US History 009 Encyclopedia of American history Richard B. Morris
View Record  US History 008 Colonial Merchant- Sources and Readings Stuart Brunchey
View Record  US History 007 Federal Road through Georgia, the Creek Nation and Alabama 1806-1836 Henry de Leon Southerland, Jerry Elijah Brown
View Record  US History 006 Early American Inns and Taverns Elise Lathrop
View Record  US History 005 Great American Cattle Drives- the story of the old cow paths of the west and the longhorn highways if the plains Harry Sinclair Drago
View Record  US History 004 Migrations West and Backtracking East Merlin C Finnell, Eva Finnell
View Record  US History 003 Timetable of American History Laurence Urdang
View Record  US History 002 Richards topical encyclopedia Volume 8 social studies, history and geography, states and possessions of the United States Ernest Hunter Wright, Mary Heritage Wright
View Record  US History 001 American Origins L.G. Pine
View Record  UPHAM 01 Upham Genealogy F. K. Upham
View Record  TYSSEN 01 Suppl Forgotten Past Supplement 1898
View Record  TYSSEN 01 Forgotten Past
View Record  TX Williamson 001 v. 2 Williamson County, Texas marriage records 1860-1884 Book 2,3,4,5 Frances T. Ingmire
View Record  TX Williamson 001 v. 1 Williamson County, Texas marriage records 1849-1860 G. McLin
View Record  TX Washington 001 Washington County, Texas marriage records 1837-1870 Frances Terry Ingmire
View Record  TX Waller 001 Index of probate cases of Texas Number 237 Waller County October 1, 1873 to May 6, 1940 WPA
View Record  TX Walker 005 v.1 Walker County, Texas cemeteries Volume I South Walker County Walker County Genealogical Society
View Record  TX Walker 004 Walker County black cemeteries Ruth Stubblefield
View Record  TX Walker 003 Forrest Masonic lodge #19 1844-1994 J. Dickerson
View Record  TX Walker 002 v.1 Walker County probate records Volume I 1846-1850 Mrs. Johnnie Jo Dickenson
View Record  TX Walker 001 Records of Huntsville funeral home inc. Volume I 1938-1949 Mrs. Johnnie Jo Dickenson
View Record  TX Van Zandt 007 1890-1891 Scholastic records of Van Zandt County, Texas Mary Effie Valandingham, Exa Thomas
View Record  TX Van Zandt 006 Van Zandt County Texas marriage records 1855-1884 Eva Thomas
View Record  TX Van Zandt 005 Van Zandt County, Texas Cemeteries, Book 1 Betty and Dwayne Beard
View Record  TX Van Zandt 004 v.2 School days in VanZant County Volume II 1893-94 and 1895-96 Van Zandt County Genealogical Society
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Records: 2551 to 2625 of 15958