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Records: 2776 to 2850 of 15958
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Actions Call Number Title Author
View Record  TX 000 Military 05 v.1 Texas rangers frontier battalion, minute men, commanding officers 1847-1900 Volume I
View Record  TX 000 Military 04 Confederate scrip grantees Thomas Lloyd Miller
View Record  TX 000 Military 03 Texas and the Mexican revolution Don M. Coerver, Linda B. Hall
View Record  TX 000 Military 02 Alamo defenders Bill Groneman
View Record  TX 000 Military 01 Women and children of the Alamo Crystal Sasse Ragsdale
View Record  TWITCHELL 01 Descendents of John and Sarah Twitchell of Derby, Connecticut, 1699-1991 Phillip G. Twitchell, Henry D. Twitchell
View Record  TWINING 01 Twining family, descendants o William Twining, Sr., of Eastham, Massachusetts, where he died 1659, with notes of English, Welsh, and Nova Scotia families of the name
View Record  TUTTLE 02 Part 2 Tuttle /Tuthill lines in America Alva M. Tuttle
View Record  TUTTLE 02 Part 1 Tuttle/Tuthill lines in America Alva M. Tuttle
View Record  TUTTLE 01 pt. 2 Descendants of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, who came from old to New England in 1635, and settled in New Haven in 1639, with numerous biographical notes and sketches; also, some account of the descendants of John Tuttle, of Dover, NH; Richard Tuttle, of Boston and Henry Tuthill of Hingham, etc. Part 2 George Frederic Tuttle
View Record  TUTTLE 01 pt. 1 Descendants of William and Elizabeth Tuttle, who came from old to New England in 1635, and settled in New Haven in 1639, with numerous biographical notes and sketches; also, some account of the descendants of John Tuttle, of Dover, NH; Richard Tuttle, of Boston and Henry Tuthill of Hingham, etc. Part 1 George Frederic Tuttle
View Record  TULPS 01 Tulps of Rhoiderland, Osteriesland, Germany Dorothe L. Wright
View Record  TSUKAMAKIS 01 Tsukamakis of Ontario. Hisroshima, Japan to Ontario, Oregon. Stories of immigration to integration 1890-2003 Sam Goto, Dee Goto
View Record  TRUNDLE 01 Our Maryland Heritage, Book 20, Trundle and allied families of Montgomery County, Maryland William Neal Hurley
View Record  TRUEBLOOD 01 Trueblood family 1660-1960 of Vigo County, Indiana. Descendants of Caleb Trueblood-Louvina Brooks, 1763-1960 Frank E. Anderson
View Record  TRUCHOT 01 Chips-Truchot Theresa Truchot
View Record  TRUAX 01 Truax/Truex family of Monmouth and Ocean Counties, New Jersey Barbara Carver Smith
View Record  TROSPER 01 Let's meet the Trospers, one Family's part in settling America Robert G. Trosper
View Record  TREADWAY 01 Some Descendants of Nathaniel Treadway, of Watertown, Mass. (d. 1689) Comp'd by Horace A. Abell
View Record  TRACY 01 Charles C. Tracy genealogy Henry W., Helen R. Mullenax
View Record  TOZER 01 Jared Tozer and His descendants W. D. Hamilton
View Record  TOWNSEND 01 Memorial of John, Henry, and Richard Townsend and their descendants [1865, reprinted]
View Record  TOWNE 01 Descendants of William Towne, who came to America on or about 1630 and settled in Salem, Mass Edwin Eugene Towne
View Record  TOWLE 01 Descendants of Jonathan Towle Alvin F. Towle
View Record  TOTTEN 01 Tottens of America Marjorie Scribner Wilcox
View Record  TOMKINS 01 Tomkins-Tompkins Genealogy Robert A. Tompkins
View Record  TOMES 01 Ancestry of Alice Tomes, wife of Gov. Thomas Welles ofConnecticut Lemuel Aiken Welles
View Record  TODD 05 Todd, the Wheelers
View Record  TODD 04 Todd family in America or the descendants of Christopher Todd, 1637-1919 John Edwards Todd
View Record  TODD 03 Todd genealogy or register of the descendants of Adam Todd Richard Henry Greene
View Record  TODD 02 v.2 True story of Mary, wife of Lincoln, containing the recollections of Mary Lincoln's sister Emilie, Mrs Ben Hardin Helm, etracts from her war-time diary, numerous letters and other documents now first published [volume 2] Katherine Helm
View Record  TODD 02 v.1 True story of Mary, wife of Lincoln, containing the recollections of Mary Lincoln's sister Emilie, Mrs Ben Hardin Helm, etracts from her war-time diary, numerous letters and other documents now first published [volume 1] Katherine Helm
View Record  TODD 01 Todd genealogy Paul R. Todd
View Record  TN Wilson 003 Cumberland Presbyterian advocate abstracts of marriage, death, and other notices 1843-1853 Margaret B. Scoggins
View Record  TN Wilson 002 1802-1850 Wilson County, Tennessee marriages 1802-1850 Edythe Rucker Whitley
View Record  TN Wilson 001 Wilson County, Tennessee tax lists 1803-1807 and court records 1802-1822 Thomas E. Partlow
View Record  TN Wayne 001 Marriage records of Wayne County, Tennessee 1857-1929 Irma Matthews Plott
View Record  TN Washington 003 Marriage record of Washington County, Tennessee 1787-1840 Norma Rutledge Grammer, Marion Day Mullins
View Record  TN Washington 002 Washington County, Tennessee records Volume I Washington County lists of taxables 1778-1801, abstract … minutes court of pleas and quarter sessions 1778-1801, lists of officers 1778-1801 miscellaneous records Mary Hardin McCown, Nancy E. Jones Stickley, Inez E. Burns
View Record  TN Washington 001 1871-1899 Washington County, Tennessee marriage records 1871-1899
View Record  TN Warren 002 Warren County story Eugene M. Wiseman
View Record  TN Warren 001 Warren County, Tennessee tax lists 1805-1812-1836 The Scribes
View Record  TN Unicoi 001 Erwin nine Hilda Padgett
View Record  TN Tipton 001 Tipton County, Tennessee tax rolls 1837-1838 The Scribes
View Record  TN Sumner 003 1786-1833 First land grants of Sumner County, Tennessee 1786-1833 Timothy R. Marsh, Helen C. Marsh
View Record  TN Sumner 002 Bk 1-2 1788-1842 Sumner County, Tennessee abstracts of will books 1 and 2, 1788-1842 Edythe Rucker Whitley
View Record  TN Sumner 001 1787-1838 Sumner County, Tennessee marriages 1787-1838 Edythe Rucker Whitley
View Record  TN Sullivan 006 Sullivan County, Tennessee cemeteries Karen L. Sherman
View Record  TN Sullivan 005 v.1 1779-1992 Families and history of Sullivan County, Tennessee Volume 1 1779-1992
View Record  TN Sullivan 004 Sullivan County, Tennessee index to early Tennessee tax lists Byron and Barbara Sistler
View Record  TN Sullivan 003 v.2 1919-1925 Sullivan County, Tennessee death records 1919-1925 Volume 2 Eddie M. Nikazy
View Record  TN Sullivan 003 v.1 1908-1918 Sullivan County, Tennessee death records 1908-1918 Volume 1 Eddie M. Nikazy
View Record  TN Sullivan 002 v.1 1899-1906 Sullivan County, Tennessee marriage Volume 1 1899-1906 Shelia Steele Hunt
View Record  TN Sullivan 002 1863-1893 Sullivan County, Tennessee 1863-1893 marriages Sheila Steele Hunt
View Record  TN Sullivan 001 bk 1-2 Sullivan County, Tennessee deed books 1 and 2 Shelby Ireson Edwards
View Record  TN Smith 009 v.1 Early Smith County, Tennessee women and children, a list of some women and children residing in Smith County, Tennessee 1800-1850 (and a few men) Volume I Mrs. Robert Q. McKinney
View Record  TN Smith 008 Some persons mentioned as deceased in Smith County, Tennessee records 1800-1855 Mrs. Robert Q. McKinney
View Record  TN Smith 007 v.14 Smith County Historical and Genealogical Society quarterly Volume XIV No. 1, Winter 2002. (Dr, Joseph Gill Bridges, Jr., Diary of Thomas Fuller, Diaries of Elenora Kelly Wilson, Record of births 1881-1883, Merchandise licenses 1867-1887, Pension records War of 1812, Excerpts from the diary of Isaac Overall) Smith County Historical and Genealogical Society
View Record  TN Smith 006 Smith County, Tennessee court of pleas and quarter sessions, minutes 1800-1828
View Record  TN Smith 005 1880 Census Smith County, Tennessee Byron and Barbara Sistler
View Record  TN Smith 004 Smith County, Tennessee cemeteries, south of the Cumberland River
View Record  TN Smith 003 Smith County, Tennessee cemeteries, north of the Cumberland River
View Record  TN Smith 002 1824-1871 Smith County, Tennessee, Chancery court records 1824-1871 Thomas E. Partlow
View Record  TN Smith 001 v.4 1814-1816 Smith County, Tennessee Deeds 1814-1816 Volume 4 Barbara Crumpton
View Record  TN Smith 001 v.3 1811-1814 Smith County, Tennessee Deeds 1811-1814 Volume 3 Barbara Crumpton
View Record  TN Smith 001 v.2 1807-1811 Smith County, Tennessee Deeds 1807-1811 Volume 2 Barbara Crumpton
View Record  TN Smith 001 v.1 1800-1807 Smith County, Tennessee deeds 1800-1807 Volume 1 Barbara Crumpton
View Record  TN Shelby 001 1819-1850 Shelby County, Tennessee marriage records 1819-1850 Tennessee Genealogical Society
View Record  TN Sequatchie 001 Tennessee County history series, Sequatchie County Henry R. Camp
View Record  TN Rutherford 001 1880 Census Rutherford County, Tennessee Byron and Barbara Sistler
View Record  TN Robertson 001 Robertson County, Tennessee abstracts of chancery court loose papers 1844-1872 Jean M. Durrett, Yolanda G. Reid
View Record  TN Rhea 001 Marriages of Rhea County, Tennessee 1808-1859 Edythe Rucker Whitney
View Record  TN Putnam 002 1880 Census Putnam County, Tennessee Byron and Barbara Sistler
View Record  TN Putnam 001 Siftings from Putnam County, Tennessee towns, communities, people Mary Hopson
View Record  TN Overton 001 Echoes from the foothills Senior Class of Livingston Academy
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Records: 2776 to 2850 of 15958