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Records: 3151 to 3225 of 15960
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Actions Call Number Title Author
View Record  Source MAPS 019 Where to write for county maps Desmond Walls Allen
View Record  Source MAPS 018 The Map catalog: every kind of map and chart on earth and even some above it Joel Makower, editor; Laura Bergheim, assoc editor
View Record  Source MAPS 017 Oversize Atlas of Appalachian trails to the Ohio River Oversize Carrie Eldridge
View Record  Source MAPS 016 Oversize Atlas of northern trails westward from New England Oversize Carrie Eldridge
View Record  Source MAPS 015 Maps can help you trace your family tree US Dept of the interior
View Record  Source MAPS 014 Land ownership maps- a checklist Richard Stephenson
View Record  Source MAPS 013 How the States got their shapes Mark Stein
View Record  Source MAPS 012 Genealogical Atlas of the USA George B Everton
View Record  Source MAPS 011 Walking with your ancestors- a genealogist's guide to using maps and geography Melinda Kashuba
View Record  Source MAPS 010 American Expansion- A Book of Maps Sale and Karn
View Record  Source MAPS 009 American Name Places of Long ago Gilbert S Bahn
View Record  Source MAPS 008 Names of the Land- A historical account of place naming in the United States George R. Stewart
View Record  Source MAPS 007 Maps contained in the publications of the American Bibliography- 1639-1819 Jim Walsh
View Record  Source MAPS 006 Historical Maps Book of Europe- A country by country atlas of European History 1700-1900 Allison Dolan
View Record  Source MAPS 005 Mapping the West- America's Westward Movement 1524-1890 Paul E Cohen
View Record  Source MAPS 004 Fire Insurance Maps Diane L Oswald
View Record  Source MAPS 003 Pre Federal Maps in the National Archives National Archives
View Record  Source MAPS 002 List of Selected Maps of States and Territories National Archives
View Record  Source MAPS 001 Historical and genealogical Atlas of the eastern US Richard Jackson
View Record  Source LIBCONG 003 Library of Congress, a guide to genealogical and historical research James C Neagles
View Record  Source LIBCONG 002 Manuscript Collections of the Library of Congress Library of Congress
View Record  Source LIBCONG 001 Special collections in the Library of Congress Annette Melville
View Record  Source LIB RESEARCH 001 Center, a guide to genealogical research in the national capital area Christina K Schaefer
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 017 Courthouse research for family historians, your guide to genealogical treasures Christine Rose
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 016 Researching American wills and administration records Scott Andrew Bartley
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 015 Black's law dictionary with pronunciations, fifth edition Henry Campbell Black
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 014 Dead Horse Investigation Forensic Photo Analysis for Everyone Colleen Fitzpatrick
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 013 Cops Crooks and Criminologists Charles Phillips, Allen Axelrod
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 012 Curious punishments of bygone days Alice Morse Earle
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 011 Wills and probate records of the National Archives Karen Grannum
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 010 Searching American Probate Records Fran Carter
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 009 Inheritance in America From colonial times to the Present Carole Shammas, Marylynn Salmon, Michel Dahlin
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 008 Sources and repositories Ronald Bremer
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 007 Estate Inventories- How to Use them Kenneth L. Smith
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 006 Illegitimacy Eve McLaughlin
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 005 101 Questions about Copyright Law Andrew Alpern
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 004 Trans- Mississippi West 1804-1912 Part II A guide to records of the department of justice for the Territorial Period Robert M. Kvasnicka
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 003 Gendered Justice in the American West- Women Prisoners in Men's Penitentiaries Anne M Butler
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 002 Cormack's Guide to Copyright& Contracts- A primer for Genealogists, Writers & Researchers Sharon DeBartolo Carmack
View Record  Source LAW&JUSTICE 001 Wanted! US Criminal Records Sources and Research Methodology Ron Arons
View Record  Source LAND 020 Bounty and donation land grants in British Colonial America Lloyd deWitt Bockstruck
View Record  Source LAND 019 Land records of America, military records of America, census records of America and their genealogical value E. Kay Kirkham
View Record  Source LAND 018 Using land records to solve research problems, revised edition Wendy L. Elliott
View Record  Source LAND 017 Check List of historical Records Survey Publications Sargent B Child, Dorothy P. Holmes
View Record  Source LAND 016 Locating your roots -Discovering your ancestors using Land Records Patricia Law Hatcher
View Record  Source LAND 015 Preliminary Inventory of the land entry papers of the General Land office Harry P. Yoshse, Philip P Bower
View Record  Source LAND 014 Searching American Land and Deed Records Fran Carter
View Record  Source LAND 013 Tracing your Ancestors in the public Record office Amanda Bevan, Andrea Duncan
View Record  Source LAND 012 Researching American Land Records Kyle Betit
View Record  Source LAND 011 Fundamentals of Land measurement Chicago Title Insurance Co
View Record  Source LAND 010 Surveying your land- A common sense guide to surveys, deeds and title searches Charles E Lawson
View Record  Source LAND 009 Homesteads & other federal land records James C Barsi
View Record  Source LAND 008 Research in the Land Entry Files of the General Land office Kenneth Hawkins
View Record  Source LAND 007 Land ownership maps Richard W Stephenson
View Record  Source LAND 006 Townships and legal description of Land Charles Butler Barr
View Record  Source LAND 005 Land and Property Research in the United States E. Wade Hone
View Record  Source Land 004 Township atlas of the United States, c1991 Jay Andriot
View Record  Source LAND 003 Fanning's ILLUSTRATED Gazette of the US Heritage Books
View Record  Source LAND 002 v.4 pt.1 v.4 pt.2 Federal land Series Clifford Neal Smith
View Record  Source LAND 002 v.3 1810-1814 Federal land Series Clifford Neal Smith
View Record  Source LAND 002 v.2 1799-1835 Federal land Series Clifford Neal Smith
View Record  Source LAND 002 v.1 Federal land Series Clifford Neal Smith
View Record  Source LAND 001 Handy Geography Answer Book Matthew T. Rosenberg
View Record  Source International 002 International Vital Records Handbook, births, marriages, deaths, application forms and ordering information for the vital records you need for driver's licenses, passports, jobs, social security, proof of identity, etc. Thomas Jay Kemp
View Record  Source International 001 Historiographic Data Sheet Heritage Quest
View Record  Source HISTORY 004 Discovering the History of your House and your neighborhood Betsy J. Green
View Record  Source HISTORY 003 History for Genealogists- Using Chronological time lines to find and understand your ancestors Judy Jacobson
View Record  Source HISTORY 002 The Handy History Answer Book Rebecca Nelson
View Record  Source HISTORY 001 Cox Library of County, State and Local Histories American Unlimited
View Record  Source HANDWRITE 010 Thus they wrote Carol Eric Johanson
View Record  Source HANDWRITE 009 Reading Early American Handwriting Kip Sperry
View Record  Source HANDWRITE 008 Examples of English Handwriting 1150-1750 Hilda E.P. Grieve
View Record  Source HANDWRITE 007 Reading old Handwriting Eve McLaughlin
View Record  Source HANDWRITE 006 Understanding Colonial Handwriting Harriet Stryker Rodda
View Record  Source HANDWRITE 005 Writers Deutsch-English Primer and New First German Reader St. Louis Public Schools
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Records: 3151 to 3225 of 15960